Measuring the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change: Role of local governments

2024 okt 17
17:15 - 18:45

Measuring the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change: Role of local governments

Vulnerability is a concept formed by the combination of adaptive capacity, sensitivity, and exposure, which indicates the extent to which we are susceptible to the negative externalities of climate change. The relationship between climate change and agriculture is profound and multifaceted. Climate change poses significant challenges to the agricultural sector, impacting crop yields, livestock productivity, and overall food security. Understanding and analyzing the vulnerability of agriculture to these changes is crucial for developing effective adaptation strategies and ensuring the sustainability of food systems. In this lecture, we will explore how to analyze the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change.

The lecture will be structured into four main steps:

  • Introduction to Climate Change and Vulnerability Concepts: This section will provide a general introduction to the concepts of climate change and vulnerability, followed by examples of vulnerability analysis and a review of the literature from different countries.
  • Data and Methodology: Here, we will delve into the composite index methods and the use of data in
    vulnerability analysis.
  • Case Study – Turkey’s Agricultural Vulnerability to Climate Change: This part will present the analysis from my ongoing thesis, exploring where we currently stand in assessing the vulnerability of agriculture in Turkey.
  • Policy Context: Finally, we will discuss how local governments can reduce the climate vulnerability of the agricultural sector